Art that moves you.

Infusing the universe with beauty and healing vibes.

As featured in:

and more…

I wasn’t always an artist.

Do you have moments or experiences where you surprise yourself of what you’re capable of? That’s what my creative journey has been. Painting became something I was drawn to and then something I craved as a way to process both the world around me and my inner thoughts and feelings. I still can’t believe the art that pours out of me. I couldn’t re-create the majority of the pieces I’ve painted if I tried. Now, poetry… that’s always come more naturally to me and has been a creative go-to for over 20 years.

My Story

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Les danseurs noirs 1


Bestselling Author, Oh Yeah!

I’ve been writing poetry since 1998 and after encouragement over the decades from my best friend love the journey: POETRY AND ARTWORK SELECTIONS was published in 2022. Being vulnerable in such a public way can be nerve-racking, but my story is bigger than me. I need others to know that they are not alone because I’ve spend many decades feeling alone or like the only one. Someone has felt what you feel and there is strength in knowing that. You are seen and you are love (read that last part again; it’s not a typo).


Intuitive Painting 1:1 Sessions and Group Classes

It’s not about painting something pretty. It’s about giving yourself permission to be imperfect and to play.

Andrea created a safe space for my feminine energy to explore and express my without limitations or judgement. I painted my interpretation of a dream I recently had that provided lots of insight to how I want to show up in the world.

β€”Chelsea E.

  • Queer

    So I'm reading your book and already I'm dying of laughter. I had those same thoughts! Doesn't everyone just admire other women? lol.


  • Art

    Beauty n Pain grabbed me from first glance, Generations was a real eye-opener for perspective and the efficiency of that piece was amazing!


  • love the journey

    Her artwork radiates growth and healing. Her words strike chords buried so deeply within they cause the soul to vibrate and move with new fluidity.

    -Bri Ray

  • Queer

    I've got body chills.


  • getting grounded

    [The] colors are so vibrant and the quality is really good too. It literally looks like an art piece…


  • Art

    Every time I scroll through there are new paintings I want to buy... whimsy, expanse, count the stars, power to create, generations is powerful. I love Impressionism and illustration.


  • Queer

    Your book is absolutely amazing, and I felt like I was journeying with you. It’s so relatable.


  • love the journey

    It takes a special kind of someone to share their pain, heartbreak and completely transparent journey and perspectives in prose and through artwork.


  • Queer

    Queer is a mediation on coming out through poetry, art, and drawings.

    -Under the Umbrella Bookstore

  • love the journey

    I was inspired by your book! I don’t meet many people who are doing both a career and an art career, so I really liked reading your thoughts so well presented.
